Planning Application W/24/00483/OUT Land North of Owletts End Pinvin for 185 dwellings

The Parish Council met on Tuesday 9th April to discuss the below planning application:

W/24/00483/OUT Land at (OS 9573 4938) North of Owletts End Pinvin Outline application with all matters reserved other than access for the demolishing of farm buildings, the erection of up to 185 dwellings including at least 5 self build plots, a local centre including a shop (Use Class E), public open space including a community orchard and associated infrastructure Pending Decision

Full details of the application are here:

All Parish Councillors voted to object to the application, and a number of parishioners attended the meeting to discuss their concerns. Residents objecting to the application were urged to submit an objection on the planning portal ( link above).

A copy of the objection from the Parish Council can be found here:

PC Objection to W/24/00483/OUT

An abbreviated copy of the Parish Council objections can be found here:

Planning Objection W-24-00483-OUT abbreviated