Planning Application W/24/00483/OUT Land North of Owletts End Pinvin for 185 dwellings
The Parish Council met on Tuesday 9th April to discuss the below planning application:
W/24/00483/OUT | Land at (OS 9573 4938) North of Owletts End Pinvin | Outline application with all matters reserved other than access for the demolishing of farm buildings, the erection of up to 185 dwellings including at least 5 self build plots, a local centre including a shop (Use Class E), public open space including a community orchard and associated infrastructure | Pending Decision |
Full details of the application are here:
All Parish Councillors voted to object to the application, and a number of parishioners attended the meeting to discuss their concerns. Residents objecting to the application were urged to submit an objection on the planning portal ( link above).
A copy of the objection from the Parish Council can be found here:
PC Objection to W/24/00483/OUT
An abbreviated copy of the Parish Council objections can be found here: